Lower gas prices – the new tariffs for 2016.
On 17th December 2015 President ofEnergy Regulatory Office forwarded the information about approval of new tariffs for gas companies involved in trading, distribution and transmission of natural gas.
According to the new tariffs for trade enterprises, the average gas price for households will be lower from 2.1% to 3.3% than the prices set in the previous tariffs. The average reduction in prices for wholesale customers will be close to 6.6%. The duration of the tariff PSG and OGP Gaz-System has been extended to 30 June 2016, because the justified costs, for calculating tariffs for these companies has not changed. In the case of the Transmission System Operator contents of the approved tariffs were adjusted to the terms set out in the new Transmission Network Code.
BWW law firm participated in the preparation of tariff application for OGP Gaz-System and prepared the changes included in tariff approved by the President of ERO.