Lower gas prices – the new tariffs for 2016.
On 17th December 2015 President ofEnergy Regulatory Office forwarded the information about approval of new tariffs for gas companies involved in trading, distribution and transmission of natural gas.
On 17th December 2015 President ofEnergy Regulatory Office forwarded the information about approval of new tariffs for gas companies involved in trading, distribution and transmission of natural gas.
On October 31, 2014 our lawyers took part in a working meeting at the LNG Terminal in Swinoujscie. During the visit, lawyers had an opportunity to know technical determinants of the Terminal and the possibilities which Installation offers.
On October 31, 2014 our lawyers took part in a working meeting at the LNG Terminal in Swinoujscie. During the visit, lawyers had an opportunity to know technical determinants of the Terminal and the possibilities which Installation offers.
On December 11 the ship with the first transport of liquefied natural gas sailed to the LNG Terminal in Świnoujście. The supplier is Qatargas Operating Company Limited. To the newly built LNG Terminal was delivered close to 210 thousand. m3 of gas. This is the first of two planned deliveries, which will be completed by […]
On 17th December 2015 President ofEnergy Regulatory Office forwarded the information about approval of new tariffs for gas companies involved in trading, distribution and transmission of natural gas.
11 grudnia do gazoportu w Świnoujściu przypłynął statek z pierwszym transportem skroplonego gazu ziemnego. Dostawcą surowca jest Qatargas Operating Company Limited. Do nowo wybudowanego terminalu LNG dostarczono blisko 210 tys. m3 gazu. To pierwsza z dwóch planowanych dostaw, które będą zrealizowane przez Qatargas w celu schłodzenia i rozruchu instalacji polskiego terminalu. Druga dostawa, zgodnie z […]
On December 11 the ship with the first transport of liquefied natural gas sailed to the LNG Terminal in Świnoujście. The supplier is Qatargas Operating Company Limited. To the newly built LNG Terminal was delivered close to 210 thousand. m3 of gas. This is the first of two planned deliveries, which will be completed by […]
BWW law firm advised the OGP Gaz-System in the process of obtaining a certificate of independence due to fulfilling the function of the Transmission System Operator of the Polish section of Yamal – Western Europe. Gaz-System will perform the operator duties on specified section in the ISO model (Independent System Operator) in accordance with the […]
On 30th November 2015 Representatives of the Municipal Thermal Energy Enterprise in Olsztyn, during a meeting with journalists presented three architectural concepts for a new power plant buildings.
Przedstawiciele Miejskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Energetyki Cieplnej w Olsztynie, podczas spotkania z dziennikarzami, zaprezentowali 30 listopada 2015r. trzy koncepcje architektoniczne budynku nowej elektrociepłowni.