BWW law firm at conference on thermal waste treatment

At a renowned event in the WTE sector, attorney Małgorzata Banasik presented the concept of using waste heat as part of an efficient energy system.
During the first day of the conference, Małgorzata Banasik took part in a session chaired by Piotr Talag, with the title question: can the thermal waste processing industry become a key element of the Polish energy system?
As a result of waste processing in waste incineration plants in Poland, more than 4.5 million GJ of energy is recovered annually. A significant proportion of the energy generated at ITPOKs, which is derived from the biodegradable parts of municipal waste, is qualified as coming from renewable energy sources (RES).
In this context, the managing partner of the BWW law firm presented the concept of using waste heat as part of an efficient energy system.
The conference organised in Gdansk by Abrys has for years been the key and largest event in Poland for experts, companies and institutions that deal with energy recovery from waste.
This year’s edition will be dominated by topics related to obtaining financing for investments of this type and the complexity of conditions for building new installations, as well as issues of communication and education in relations with the public.